Thursday, August 6, 2015

Porn Ban

Without warning or explanation, Indian government blocked 875 pornographic websites this weekend, which was welcomed by some and opposed by many. I want to share my two cents here. I've seen porn and I must concede I don't enjoy watching them. If I do, then nobody should dictate terms, because that would be my right. I don't accept government's intrusion in my private life. 

Supreme court declined a request to block access to online pornography. In rejecting the request, India's chief justice, H.L. Dattu, said adults had a fundamental right to watch pornography within the privacy of their own homes. I couldn't agree more. If a person enjoys within the privacy of his/her home, nobody should have problem with it. It is not like they are watching it in assembly. Right? What happened to those 3 ministers caught on camera watching porn? Was there any action taken against them?

Do they genuinely expect the habitual porn viewers will stop watching it? They will find ways to get their hands on it anyways. It is like a forbidden fruit.

Another argument is it contributes to sex crimes against woman? Do rapists/sexual perpetrator would watch porn and go on raping spree? Give me a break. Will ya? Rape is never about sex. Never, period. On that in some other post. And post I shall.

On the contrary, child pornography is a crime. It can have devastating physical, social, and psychological effects on children who were portrayed in the films. And user of child pornography in the long run may also turn into a child abuser or worse a pedophile. (He/She must be one)

Because of blocking, even the hush-hushed topic like porn came to mainstream news and now each Tom, Dick, and Harry wants to know about it. After Swatch Bharat, Modi Government wants "Swatch Internet". 

First, the Government ought to have an open discussion in parliament and pass a legislation. This mere blanket ban is unacceptable. My political knowledge is limited. But I know for a fact that is how democracy works. The government has no business imposing what Indians watch online. 

Edited to Add: Government revoked an order to block hundreds of pornographic websites except sites that promote child pornography.

PS: On topic of #pornban, Sunny Leone reacted in a smart way, her hubby wearing a T-shirt that says "Sex sells."


  1. Am totally disagree with u n i appreciate govt act. There r many reasons for that,watching someone's porn in privacy or public is crime.

    1. Thank you. Lets agree to disagree. The last time I checked it isn't a crime to watch porn in the privacy of their room.
