Thursday, June 2, 2022

So Far

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Everything seemed slow and lethargic, yet time moved so fast. It has been two-and-a-half years into the pandemic. No one knows whether the days of Corona are behind us. Life has been normal from the past year or we pushed it to be normal. The fear is overtaken by the frustration. I've been absent from this space for a long time. Life had been busy with traveling, reading, binge watching, and socializing. And I did not have the mojo to write anything. Every time I tried writing, the blank space stared back at me. Same with all three blogs. I know I've bitten more than I can chew.

I start everything with great enthusiasm and fanfare, but get bored easily. I'm distracted by newer things, onto it with gusto, and lose interest. And there goes the merry-go-round. This is a personality trait I'm not very proud of. Yeah, I'm the proverbial "Jack of all trades, master of none." As I type this I'm thinking of starting a blog in Kannada and my mind is already searching for apt names.

Still enjoying the perks of working from home. I don't think I can ever again go back to regular work. COVID has spoilt us in a way. It is a blessing in disguise for people like me who wants minima to zero human interactions.

We broke the barrier of traveling overseas in April visiting Nepal for our tenth wedding anniversary. Before COVID if you had money and time you could have traveled anywhere. You cannot say the same thing now. Each and every time we plan a trip, we had to weigh and calculate the risks keeping Corona in mind. It is tedious, exhausting. I'm not very fond of airports, airplanes, flying, immigration. I just tolerate them for greater good. When you are bitten by a travel bug, there is absolutely no cure.

Life has been kind so far. I hope to be frequent here. Only time will tell.