Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Month That Was August-2020

Hubby has joined new work force this month. Though he had resigned in July had to serve one-month notice period. He was not seriously looking for the job change. He was just updating job profile and this new opportunity fell on his lap with better prospect. I was happy because it is closer to home and will cut down the commuting time. Many well-wishers were against this change because of the dwindling job market. But all our decisions are well-thought and so far they have panned out well for us.

For the first time I've not send Rakhees for Rakshabandhana. The shop where I buy cards and Rakhee was always crowded so was the post-office. After few failed trips I've decided to the cancel the plan. While talking to brothers they also opined not to bother this time.

Both nephews celebrated birthday this month, 8 and 2 respectively. When I called nephew V, he was very excited about the cake and other junks associated with it. Staying at home he has put on a little weight I'm told. At the same time he has forgotten Kannada and Hindi letters. In fact he is very happy about not going to school. I was reluctant to attend Nephew A's close-knit birthday celebration. Though I'm isolated Hubby goes to office regularly and chances of his exposure is more. However, YB will not listen to my reasoning. I was scared to go near the kid or hold him. The little fellow now talks incessantly, is able to recognize colours, birds, animals, letters, fruits and vegetables. When I mentioned he is going to be very smart, YB refuted saying all kids are smarter these days. He and his modesty! My dad would be so happy and he will be missed dearly.

The next week YB's apartment was sealed down due to Corona positivity in some neighbors. The same week nephew A started having cold and fever. Paranoid me was quick to think it is COVID. We were all frightened and worried. Fortunately, it turned out to be some other viral fever and he is back to normal. But how long this paranoia will continue?

People think I'm scared more of this virus than necessary. From the beginning it is never about me. Even if I get positive I'll be able to recover in no time. Can I say the same about my loved ones, especially the tiny tots and elders? Well-being of them worries me the most. One of our classmates' father succumbed to COVID this month. Despite all the ridicule, the seriousness of the pandemic looms over us. 

 I have read five books this month. They are A Hundred Little Flames-Preeti Shenoy; The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo-Steig Larsson; Hunting Party-Lucy Foley; Verity-Colleen Hoover; and The Perfect Roommate-Minka Kent, most of them are mystery/thriller genre. I need to cut down on this.

The television shows we watched are Sweet Magnolia-Season 1, Killing Ever-Season 3, and The Blacklist-Season 1. We decided not to binge on Blacklist because the continuity was not necessary for this show.

On movies front we have watched Forensic (Malayalam), Just Mercy (English), Raat Akeli Hai (Hindi), Ghoomketu (Hindi), Yaara (Hindi), Khuda Hafiz (Hindi), Athiran (Malayalam), Doordarshan (Hindi), Ishq (Malayalam), Om Shanthi Oshana (Malayalam). Our obsession with Malayalam cinema continues and we think they are way ahead of other industry in movie making.

For Ganesha Festival we had cousin M1 with us. As usual our experiments in kitchen continued. The jade that was thriving died on us. It was withering for quite sometime. We tried repotting, keeping in sun for sometime, and balanced watering. Nothing seemed to work. It was saddening to see plants die. So much for my bragging on green thumb.

August was good. September be kind 

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