Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Month That Was April-2020

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The whole month was spent in in-law's place due to lock-down and that is the first. What I've realized during this period is in small towns the time does not move at all.  I kept myself busy from morning to evening with office work, reading, and writing. I had uploaded vibrant flower photos to insta feed from the well tended garden. There were no household chores either to attend as the maid was coming twice a day. From 5 o'clock in the evening, I used to get the feeling as if the time stood still. Hubby would finish his work around 6:30. Mil is happy watching News and movies on television. Hubby and I have stopped seeing News a long time ago. We were horrified beyond our wits to see how the News channels are communalizing the significant pandemic. And as far as movies are concerned, I would have watched most of them and seeing it again on television with breaks was next to impossible. We would take much needed walk for an hour or so. As I've not packed any paperbacks, most of my readings were limited to phone. And continuous reading on phone put a lot of strain on my eyes.

Despite that I was able to read four books this month. Those were "The Death of Ms. Westaway-Ruth Ware, Where Forest Meets The Stars-Glendy Vanderah, Jugari Cross-Poornachandra Tejaswi, and Ask Again, Yes-Mary Beath Keane.

The movies were limited to just four, all of them were re-runs; Sri Krishnadevarya, Babruvahana, Guru Shishyaru, Prachanda Kulla. These were the movies which I enjoyed tremendously as a kid. They still are relevant to this date, only I was not in good state of mind to appreciate them.

We followed the lock down trend of Dalgona coffee. Tried to grow microgreens in the backyard, but lost them for heavy monsoon showers. I could have taken another attempt at it, however, the gloom was seeping in. When the whole country was burning candles to chase away the Corona, my heart wept for the ignorance of my countrymen. A silver lining of hope came the next morning when I talked to my mother. She flatly refused to do this charade and stood her ground. I couldn't be more proud of her and I'm glad I raised her well (pun intended). At the same time I am ashamed to acknowledge few of extended family members and friends succumbed to this national farce.

We celebrated our eight wedding anniversary in this lock-down quietly. Mil baked cake for this occasion and I'm obliged for this gesture. It is not quite the anniversary I was hoping for. If everything was normal we would be chasing sunset in the tropical paradise Mauritius sipping Cane Rum. This Force majeure was unexpected and spoiler. Nonetheless, there is no one else I would want to be isolated with other than Hubby.

These chaos and devastation too shall pass, until then we should hold our horses.

How was your April?

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