Friday, May 15, 2020

I Still Fall For You Every Day

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This ain't a song or a poem. We all imagined falling in love with a person in a romantic way. When one does the Adrenalin rush is immense. Everyone would have experienced the excitement to hear their voice, the eagerness to meet them, talking endlessly to sweet nothing, seeing the world through rose-tinted glass. Being in love is a wonderful feeling. I'm not trying to be a love expert here.

I fell head over heels in love with this amazing soul 14 years ago. And I still fall for him every single day. When his name flashes on my phone I have this goofy smile from ear to ear. His talks are music. My heart starts racing every time I see him. No, I don't have tachycardia. I start missing him the moment he leaves. I feel Monday blues not to go to work, but for being separated from him after spending weekends together. I can't get enough of his snuggle dose. I can't keep my hands off him when he is around. I'm not addicted to any substance. Nonetheless, he is my own brand of drug.

Six years of courtship and eight years of tying the knots has not changed anything in our relationship status. I feel married only when visiting the extended family. And lot of people say I have not changed after marriage. I always swallow down the urge to say "I'm just married, not reborn". I digress.

It is easy to fall for a person who is dashing, super intelligent, kind, and confident. It is easier to fall for a person who believes in equality. How hard it is to fall for a liberal who roots for individual choice every single time?

I never found jealousy and possessiveness in a boyfriend endearing. If he was so, it would have raised a red flag in the beginning. A self-assured and secured man is foremost important in any relationship. Among millions of good qualities about him, why I emphasize only on few? Today many people aspire to become a couple like us. They were vocal enough to say we set their relationship goals right. I'm flattered and humbled every time somebody says this because that is a huge compliment. In a hurry to get into a relationship they fail to see the caliber of the person who made it possible, and wreck their relationship. I'm anguished for any broken alliances, be it friends or foes, especially if they were influenced by us.

Why being with self-assured and secured person is important? Because he does not stifle your personal space. He only encourages and cheers you for the smallest accomplishments. When somebody shares the household chores without a hitch you will realize why being a believer in equality is important in the long run. When you feel you're living the life you wanted to live you will understand why having a liberal watching your back is imminent. People say I'm lucky to find such a life-partner. I could not agree more. At the same time this person was not hand-picked by my parents and handed over to me on a 'arranged marriage' platter. Falling in love is easy and its novelties are astonishing. But holding to that person against all odds was my choice. Family, friends, society tried very hard to break the spirit in all possible ways with good intention. (With good intention) is added especially to keep everyone happy who stalk this space occasionally. 

Falling in love is beautiful. Falling in love with the right person is magical. Keep in search of that wonderful person who loves you the way you are. When you do, make the choice to hang on to them. Life doesn't come with a warranty card. Invest time and emotions in a relationship, not money. I'l stop the ranting before I turn into an annoying preacher.

Falling in love with you is easy. And staying in love with you is easier because I still fall for you every single day. Hope you find time to read this piece one day. Happy anniversary to us.

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