Thursday, September 12, 2019

Month That Was August-2019

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I was down with viral fever for almost a week right at the beginning of the month. The weather was cloudy and damp, and all I ever wanted to do was snuggle in and sleep.

The first Sunday of the month was Friendship day. On this very day I was able to reconnect with one of high school best friends. We were a group of five friends. The one I'm talking about is the first one to get married.  I haven't seen after the wedding day. Here and there I heard little nugget of her life from other friends. It was before the revolutionary cellphone era. After regrouping with other friends it took almost a year to finally get hold of her. And viola. She was searching for me as well in FB and Insta. Most of my friends know me only by my first name as there was no last name attached to it in any documents. I was truly touched when she said she even tried searching with my birthday. So our 'Fabulous Five" (Corny I know) group is completed and since then it's been very active.

August is the birthday month of little men in our family. Nephew A is a year old now. I can see a lot of peer pressure accumulating already. Every one is curious to know whether he walks or talks or jumps. Since they were traveling at the time we celebrated his birthday the next weekend. Nephew V is seven-year-old now and I would like to believe a little wiser. I hear he is addicted to cellphone games and his gadget time has been restricted. With no one to play it is the norm with every kid of this generation I guess and I'm sure they will also turn up okay. And their birthday falls one after another.

August is the month where I go shopping to buy cards and Rakhees. The quality of greeting cards is minimal to zilch. Options are very few. I'm told nobody buys cards anymore. Hubby and I just reminisced the bygone era of Archies and Hallmark and selected whatever best we could.

Rain created havoc in the state. Hubby and BIL were eager to bring MIL to stay with us because of heavy downpour in hometown. But she vehemently declined saying she will be able to manage. If not she will go to her brother's place and stay there. Thankfully, the rain stopped eventually without causing trouble. I just can't imagine the plight of people who were fighting this battle. Either it's drought or flood in the country. Global warming is a serious thought to ponder with.

Cousin A shifted to Bangalore after being campus selected. Aunt B called and I could feel the empty nest syndrome. I ensured her that she will not like kids being home again in less than few weeks.

I read just two books this month. Montana Sky-Nora Roberts and First to Die-James Patterson.

Compared to reading the movie part was lot better with 14 movies. The climate was right to be couch potatoes with a general holiday in-between. The list goes like this "The mountain between us, Monsoon Shooting, India's Most Wanted, Christopher Robin, Aladdin, Avengers End Game, Rustum, Mauruder, Ant man and the Wasp, Amar, Sonchiriya, A walk Among Tomb Stones, The next three days, Killer Ellite.

And binge watched Sacred Games 2 on a lazy weekend.

Between full-time work, social life, household chores and planning a holiday, I find less and less time to writing. Our travel blog is begging for attention. I tried to lessen my guilt by updating Insta feed as and when I could. Sometimes I feel 24 hours a day isn't enough for me.

August was kind. Let's see how September pans out

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